While lawyers and judges are the ultimate legal experts, of course, I believe that every citizen should take the time to learn a little about law for several reasons. First, it is important to know your rights, and knowing them can come in handy if anyone ever accuses you of a crime you didn't commit or threatens you legally in another other way. Second, learning about your local, state, and federal laws can help you act as a better citizen. When election time comes around, you can then truly understand ever change in law being proposed by a candidate and whether it benefits society or not. I plan to share posts about law topics explained in plain English on my new blog, so you can come back often to sharpen your legal knowledge!
1 December 2014
If you've begun to fall behind on your regular bills, and fear that you'll never be able to catch up, you may be considering filing for bankruptcy protection with the help of a site like http://wfactorlaw.com. However, you likely also want to help reorganize your finances while creating a minimal disruption to your everyday life. You may be concerned that filing bankruptcy will cause you to lose your home. There's no need to let these fears prevent you from filing -- in general, you'll be allowed to keep your home, even after filing for bankruptcy.
1 December 2014
Worker's compensation laws protect you when you are injured at work. Under most circumstances this means you must be on the property of your employer when the accident occurs, but there are some instances when your injuries are covered before or after you have set foot in the office, or at locations other than your regular job site. Regulations may vary from state to state, but there are some basic guidelines to help you determine if you are covered by worker's comp.
20 February 2014
Developing a new invention or patent can take time and a small amount of resources. For example, if a person wants to create a new tool for use in bicycle repair, he has to take the time to understand the limitations of tools currently on the market. He must then look at what could be done to improve the design of current tools. The person can then come up with the basic idea for a new invention.
18 December 2013
Those who are injured and unable to retain steady employment often have to apply for disability benefits in order to pay for basic necessities and prevent severe financial losses. When a person works for an employer that provides disability insurance, the claims process is governed by a law known as ERISA, or Employee Retirement Income Security Act, which was introduced to ensure employees receive responses to their claims in a timely and fair manner.