While lawyers and judges are the ultimate legal experts, of course, I believe that every citizen should take the time to learn a little about law for several reasons. First, it is important to know your rights, and knowing them can come in handy if anyone ever accuses you of a crime you didn't commit or threatens you legally in another other way. Second, learning about your local, state, and federal laws can help you act as a better citizen. When election time comes around, you can then truly understand ever change in law being proposed by a candidate and whether it benefits society or not. I plan to share posts about law topics explained in plain English on my new blog, so you can come back often to sharpen your legal knowledge!
14 March 2017
If you get into an accident with a truck driver, you should be aware of the fact that you will not get much farther than the exchange of information. There are some valid reasons for that. Trucking companies already have lawyers on retainer for accidents, and drivers are informed that they should not say anything else at the scene of an accident except for insurance information. If you expect to get any further with the bills for your medical care and your car repairs, you will need to do the following.
7 March 2017
For some newly married people, it may not take long to realize that you have made a grave mistake in marrying. You may be wondering if you can just get your marriage annulled instead of going through a costly and lengthy divorce process; after all, celebrities seem to do it all the time. Before you proceed along those lines, take some time to read the information about annulments below. What are annulments?
2 March 2017
Making the decision to visit a divorce lawyer will not obligate you to file, but it can be a good way to find out answers to the questions you have. If you just called and scheduled an initial consultation visit with a divorce lawyer and want to get the most out of this meeting, you may want to prepare for the meeting by completing the following two tasks. Make a list of all your questions