Everyone Should Learn a Little about Law
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Everyone Should Learn a Little about Law

While lawyers and judges are the ultimate legal experts, of course, I believe that every citizen should take the time to learn a little about law for several reasons. First, it is important to know your rights, and knowing them can come in handy if anyone ever accuses you of a crime you didn't commit or threatens you legally in another other way. Second, learning about your local, state, and federal laws can help you act as a better citizen. When election time comes around, you can then truly understand ever change in law being proposed by a candidate and whether it benefits society or not. I plan to share posts about law topics explained in plain English on my new blog, so you can come back often to sharpen your legal knowledge!


Everyone Should Learn a Little about Law

Conditions Typical For Bail In Domestic Violence Cases

Kaylee Wells

When working with a bail bondsman to get out of jail when charged with domestic violence, the judge will give you a list of conditions and requirements that you must abide by. Failure to abide by the conditions of bail is deemed a violation and may result in a revocation of your release from jail. Because of this, it is crucial that you understand the conditions of your bail in full. If you have any questions about the conditions, ask your bail bondsman. 

Here are several of the conditions of bail that are typically required for domestic violence cases. 

Do not contact or stalk the victim or any witnesses

Do not in any way contact the victim or any witnesses. This means having absolutely no contact at all, not even if the victim or witnesses attempt to contact you. Do not seek them out. Do not call them or send them messages in texts or in social media. Do not stalk them or try to find out where they are or what they are doing. 

Do not drink alcohol or take any drugs

You may be required to submit to drug and alcohol testing at a moment's notice if a condition of your release is to abstain from drugs and alcohol. It's important that you refrain from drinking alcohol and doing drugs not only because these are conditions of your release but also because these activities can impair your judgment. If your judgment is impaired, you will likely be more susceptible to violating other terms of your release, such as contacting the victim or witnesses. 

Do not have any firearms in your possession

A condition that is common for domestic violence charges is to not have any firearms in your possession. If you have any firearms in your residence or in your vehicle, inform your bail bondsman immediately so he or she can get possession of the firearms temporarily until your case is closed. Depending on the outcome of your case, the judge may or may not allow you to have firearms in your possession in the future.

Do not quit your job

Another common condition of bail is that you are not to quit your job if you have one. If you are not employed, you will need to actively seek employment. If, however, the victim and/or witnesses are coworkers, you may need to change shifts or worksites, if possible. Your bail bondsman can act as an intermediary should you need assistance in speaking with your employer.  

For more information about domestic violence bail bonds, contact a local bondsman. 
